Archive for November, 2011

Industrial Metal Chairs

I’m not usually one to jump on the “trend band wagon” but I’ve seen these chairs floating around blog land and I have to admit…. I’M OBSESSED! My kitchen REALLY needs a little makeover…. especially my table and chairs. I might need to create a chair savings ;)

I’m in LOVE! They are stylish and would hold up well against my two crazy boys.

Love the white chairs with that blue table!

The rustic version

One random yellow chair… kinda like it!

Wouldn’t these chairs look awesome with Miss Mustard Seed’s farm house table …. oh I think so. I need to make one of these tables very very soon ;)

 linking up with these great bloggers

My “Thankfuls”

Ya know I originally wanted my Thanksgiving post to be on centerpieces or front porch decorations. I’ve seen a lot of those…. so I changed my mind. I’ve had an overabundance of thankful feelings lately, maybe its due to the season, who knows? I’ve decided to open myself up a little bit a share my “thankfuls” with you today :) Being thankful is really one of the best qualities one could have and I believe it’s important to share your thankfulness with others….. so here goes:

my health ~ an amazing husband ~ two beautiful boys ~ great parents ~ an abundance of motherly figures ~ music ~ my eyesight ~ making it home safely from work every morning ~ a warm cozy place I can call home ~ my talents ~ true friends ~ the earth we live on and its amazing beauty ~ the innocence of my children ~ the word “I Love You” ~ my siblings ~ motherhood ~ our cute dog ~ holidays ~ extended family ~ guardian angels ~ the warm cozy feeling the beauty of my Christmas tree gives me ~ our jobs/income ~ my chubby little godson ~ unexpected kisses ~ a genuine hug

Happy Thanksgiving! Enjoy and be Thankful!

Christmas Tree Reveal

Good riddance burgundy! In case you didn’t catch word, we’ve put the tree up at our house! For some reason it’s been happening the week before Thanksgiving for the past few years. I consider that to be an “official tradition” wouldn’t you ;) I gave the tree a little makeover this year by replacing all of my burgundy items with cream and I LOVE it! No offense to burgundy it just didn’t fit in my home.

brown, tan, cream, and gold are the new tree colors this year

Can you spot my book page ornaments? I covered all of my burgundy ornaments with mod pog and book pages…. easy fix!

The top of the tree has a few twigy items popping out of it. I spray painted all of my burgundy twigs a cream color.

I added some cut up burlap strips to pull in more of a neutral tone and a few feathers to fill in some gaps.

Let’s not forget about my new ruffled tree skirt! If you want to make one you can check out Miss Mustard Seed’s tutorial! Mine is definitely lacking in WOW factor compared to hers…. ah well ;) What colors are you using on your tree this year?

linking up with these great bloggers

Giving In

I don’t know what it is about this week before Thanksgiving but it seems to be “the week” that I always put my tree up. I’m redoing my tree this year and I’m getting really antsy to see the finished product so….. I’M PUTTING UP THE TREE! I’ll take pictures when it’s all finished; it’s quite the process! For now here is what my tree looked like before…..

All of that burgundy is going bye bye and I can’t wait!