Archive for June, 2012


There is something special about adding artwork to your home that is from local areas. My friend Christi just launched her photography site! She is A-M-A-Z-I-N-G! Her landscape shots are seriously breathtaking. I just purchased one of her prints for my home and I had the hardest time choosing only one. Stop by her site and browse around. You can also follow her on !

Here is the picture I purchased. It makes me happy :)


Stenciled Wall ~ Sneak Peak

I’ve been working with my client for the past few months on her living room and office area. She just finished stenciling her office wall and I about lost it when I checked my email. Here is a little sneak peak of the office area.

EEEKK doesn’t the wall look awesome! I can’t wait to share the finished photos with you. Hopefully soon :)