
Finished Wing Back Chair!

Sorry I’ve been MIA…. I’m trying to finish up a class for school!

Remember my very first post about this wing back beauty? Although I’m convinced that this chair hates me I FINALLY finished it! I did some research during the process and found out that wing backs are one of the hardest chairs to recover; that would have been some helpful advice to have before I tore the thing apart! All of the curse words and tears that went into this chair were totally worth it because she looks dang good in her designated corner….. and here she is!


I feared that I would finish it, place it in its spot, and plop down with a big sigh of relief just as the whole thing crumbled to the floor lol. What really happened was…. I finished the chair in my basement and started to take it up the stairs just in time to panic that it wouldn’t even fit through my basement door. YOU’VE got to be KIDDING ME! I did NOT just spend eternity on this thing just to have to take it all apart to get it up the steps UGH! Luckily my saving grace (husband) finagled it through the door and the wing back made it safely to its cozy corner :)
?It’s not perfect but I’m proud of myself! Now for the redecorating in the living room to blend in this new orange shade! I can hear my chair whispering, “Please, Please, Please find me a really cute throw pillow!” I LOVE this never ending cycle, REALLY I do :)

Wing Back Update #2

Dear Wing Back, I know I have had you for quite some time now and you are 3/4 of the way finished. I’m sure you are sick of spending your time in my unfinished basement. You caused me quite a bit of stress so I took some time off. The only dilemma we have now is that a beautiful Christmas tree is currently occupying your future home. Unfortunately you will not be able to move upstairs until the beginning of next year. Hang in there someday you will be complete!

~Your Over Whelmed Owner

I know I know….. You think I have completely lost it because I’m writing a letter to my wing back chair. Well, the only response I have to that is….. I’ve spent WAY more time with this chair than I’d expected and its nearly driven me to insanity lol. It really is almost done though! Do you remember what she looked like when I bought her? (I love how I said I would have it finished in a week in that post, lol, things didnt go quite as well as planned) The plans are to put this lovely wingback right where my Christams tree is. So, I have less than a month to finish it up! Here is a little sneak peak. Don’t judge, its the very first thing that I’ve ever reupholstered!

Wing Back Love

I found this beauty at a yard sale for five bucks and I just couldn’t resist! I’m a bit intimidated by her at the moment but I can see some serious potential. I have several ideas running through my head and cant wait to start putting them all together. I hope to have her completely finished within the next week!