I’ve finally choose a paint color and I’m thrilled! I was planning on sharing a sample with you but it looks like a yellowish/white when it’s really pulling a really really light green in my room. It looks AWESOME! I will however share this little sneak peak with you….

I will be creating something really AWESOME with this lovely blue :)

While I was slaving away painting my room (which for some absurd reason took 3 freakin coats of paint) I was enjoying my thinking time. I came up with my very first quote! Ok Ok…. I’m sure it’s been said before but I felt pretty creative lol

In all actuality I would much rather paint than birth a child (as far as the actual laboring portion goes anyway). Of course my children are much more rewarding than the color of paint on my walls! I’ll let your creative little minds think of the many relations between painting and child birth…. you’ll be surprised at how many there are lol

Alright, here is my favorite relation that I thought of …..

“You put a lot of labor into both and end up with something beautiful and amazing in the end!”

I’ll share some before pictures of my bedroom at the end of this week. Also, this whole painting thing has inspired me to do a post on “How to Choose the Right Paint Color”. Watcha think?