I’ve seen terrariums floating around blog land and in quite a few stores for a few months now and I’m starting to fall in love with them. I’m not much of a “plant girl” but I REALLY like the look of these! I have a funny little space in the corner of my kitchen that really needs something new. I think I might have to make a few of these! Here are some of my inspiration pictures:


These ones are my favorite and I already have some of those jars! She also has great tips and step by step instructions on how to make your own. I’ll be using them!


I love the idea of putting a few succulents in mason jars… I also have a few of those lying around! I’ll have to stop by TjMaxx or IKEA and see if I can find a few more glass jars. I cant wait to make my own and don’t worry I’ll post a few pictures when they are done!