There is a BIG change that’s coming March 1, 2012. Google announced that Google Friend Connect will only be available to blogs hosted through Blogger (which I am not). That means you will loose touch with your followers, and the blogs you love to stalk, unless you connect via other sources.
Here is where the “New Change” falls into play. There is a new option called Linky Followers. Roeshel at shares a great post with all a lot of info.
I would love to keep every single one of you as a follower so let me give you the 411 on…..
1. At the top left hand corner of my blog you will seeclick on that and you can follow along in your preferred reader ex: Google+
2. Scroll Down to the bottom of my blog and you will see the following choices:
~ follow along via the NEW Linky Followers
~ follow along on
~ follow along on
~ follow along on Bloglovin
While we’re at it WHAT’S YOUR PREFERENCE? What option do you prefer to use to stay in touch with your favorite blogs? I JUST signed up for Bloglovin but from the looks of it I think it might be my 1st choice!
IMPORTANT: I will continue to keep the Google Friend Connect on my site until the end of February. If you are a current GFC follower PLEASE switch to Linky Followers BEFORE March 1 :)
linking up with these awesome bloggers
Thanks for sharing these great and important informations! I must admit I haven’t thought about that topic.
No problem! I’ve seen a few posts about this and I honestly had no clue! I figured I’d share in case others didn’t know :)
Such a pain for everyone who is not using blogger. I’m sorry. Of course I will still get updates through you. Do you know if it will come to my reader still?
I know right! I was slightly freaking out the other night! I had to change and add quite a few things on my site urgh :/ I’m not completely sure but I don’t think linky followers shows updates in the readers; I’m honestly not very oriented with it yet but I’ll ask around and find out :) Also, I’ve read a few things that mentioned Google Friend Connect will eventually be fazed out even for Blogger blogs. I guess Google is trying to really push the use of Google + for some reason? Have you looked into Bloglovin at all? It seems really easy and useful!
Right now my favorite way to follow is twitter. I like to keep my facebook feed free of blog follows so I can actually see my family and friend (if that makes sense?)
I just looked at google+ for the first time a few days ago though, and I think I might like it after I get used to it.
Also, I like networked blogs a lot. I can read the blogs I follow though it without actually having to go to the blog itself similar to rss feed.
FYI, just followed you on pinterest. :)
Oh Twitter! I’m all signed up but haven’t had the time to figure it out lol. I’m sure its really easy but it’s new to me and I’ve got no idea where to even begin :) Thanks for stopping by! Have a great week!
Following you back. Thanks for stopping by my blog!
A community to Create – Share – Inspire
I like the new Linky Follower. But way too many choices! Following you on the new Linky!
I agree Kelly! Darn change… its rough! ;)
I just started my blog a couple weeks ago, so fortunately I am not using the Google Friend Connect. Right now what I am doing to remember people is either pin the blog post if it is a specific thing I am interested it. Or I will like their FB page through my FB Page (not myself personally.) I agree with the previous poster that I want to keep my own feed clear for the most part to friends and family. But if I like them as my page I can use FB as my page and see the feed for my page separate. I have not looked into Linky Followers yet, I might have to do that, I am hearing more and more about it. I found you via the Somewhat Simple Link Party.
Thanks for stopping by Tina! Linky Followers is going to be the replacement of Google Friend Connect. FB is a great way to stay connected; its my top preference also!
Hello! I’m following on the new Linky thingy. Found you at SNS. Come visit when you get a chance.
Thanks for following along Jane! Your blog is lovely and you have a beautiful home :)
Thanks for the heads up. I am now following from Scout’s Stitches!
Your welcome Zoe :) Glad to have you following along! Have a great week!