When you begin the decorating process in any room it’s very important to keep in mind the “mood” you want to set. For example in a theater or game room you would want it to be fun and inviting, whereas in your bedroom you might want it to be calm and relaxing. Its amazing what color can do for your mood!


How do you want to feel when you’re in your room? What type of energy are you after?

~ Calming, Relaxing, Quite and Restful – neutral,  soft, cool colors will create this feeling



~ Active, Stimulating, Exciting, and Sociable – strong bold colors are used for drama


~ Formal and Orderly – neutrals and warm blues/greens create this ambiance


When choosing a color for a bedroom be careful not to pick an overstimulating hue. Its been said that brighter colors can cause irritability and unrest. The picture below completely explains why ;)


Isn’t color fun!

Make sure you check out my other posts on Picking Paint

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