Remember my sneak peak …. Here is one of the finished projects! It all began with this cute little guy! I picked him up at Home Goods for $19.99.

I’m decorating on a tight budget and really needed something else for the walls. I found these awesome frames at a yard sale for $1.00 a piece! I brainstormed for a while and came up with the starfish idea. The starfish are also from Home Goods = $9.99 for a whole bag.

I  covered some durable card board with a piece of burlap and hot glued the starfish to it. It’s so simple but it’s exactly what I needed! I cant wait to reveal the pictures from my BIG PROJECT!

*FYI… to get rid of the stinky ocean smell your starfish may have…. just soak them in a bucket of diluted bleach water for a few hours and set them out in the sun to dry. It brightened the colors a little too.

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